What is Shuzi Qi?
Shuzi Qi strengthens and fine-tunes the human biofield, making your mind and body more resistant to the effects of stress in any form, including electromagnetic fields (EMF), harmful emissions radiating from electronic equipment such as cell phones, computers and hair dryers.
Electromagnetic fields can stress the body in several ways, such as affecting your heart rate, disrupting your brain activity during sleep and even reducing your body’s production of melatonin, thereby diminishing your resistance to cancers.
Shuzi Qi uses subtle vibration programmed at the nano-level to create a stronger frequency for your biofield and those cells of which it is comprised, enabling your body to more capably resist the effects of any stress it’s subjected to. Your body can reset and self-correct more quickly and easily. Cells communicate with each other by known methods of chemical reactions and through the biofield. They have a resonating frequency at which they operate in order to stay healthy, but these cells are affected by outside electric and magnetic environmental conditions. Subtle vibration can reinforce a cell’s natural frequency to override outside environmental influences, which cause cells to communicate better.
This is important because when cells lose the ability to communicate with other cells, they become isolated and confused. It is has been theorized that cancer or tumor cells are isolated cells that have lost their ability to communicate. Shuzi Qi helps the cells stay in communication. It reinforces their natural frequencies, keeping them strong and in sync.
You will notice enhanced energy and strength, greater endurance and flexibility, and better balance and mental focus.
What is Nano Vibration Technology?
Shuzi Qi products operate using the latest in subtle energy technology called Nano Vibrational Technology (NVT). Each piece is embedded with an NVT chip, made of a specially selected non-magnetic material, chosen for its lattice structure and atomic properties. The raw material then goes through a special processing sequence. This material must meet our strict criteria, which includes a specific size, shape and weight. Once the material meets our specifications, a thin film deposit is applied, at which point, the programming phase takes place. This is when the NVT is actually programmed into the chip.The programming phase uses techniques which are derived from the principles of electro migration and scalar induction to shape the material’s nanostructure and form “statistical tuning circuits”. The best example for statistical tuning circuits would be the ferromagnetic material, iron. Ferromagnetic material does not exhibit the properties of magnetism until it is itself magnetized by a magnetic source, meaning that the individual dipoles in the material are not aligned until it is forced by an external source such as a magnet. The strength of the retained magnetization is an effect of how many dipoles stay in the newly aligned position.
This programming creates multiple identical tuning forks that emit their own frequency. Compare one singer versus a choir singing the same note. The combination of all the identical forks creates a subtle vibrational energy, effective enough that it interacts with the biofield of humans. The NVT chip is programmed to emit not just one, but many unique frequencies chosen to be compatible with human cells, and is effective only when it comes in contact with the biofield, usually within 6 inches of the skin.
Shuzi Qi products are programmed to resonate with your body’s own natural frequency, providing a stronger signal to help you function more efficiently.

Experience the Qi's subtle energy by wearing any of our Qi certified jewelry products.
- More Energy
- More Strength
- More Endurance
- More Flexibility
- Better Balance
- Better Mental Focus
Enhances Athletic Performance
- Golf — More balanced swing and focused putting
- Baseball — Run and throw ball faster, hit ball farther
- Swimming — Swim faster, more endurance
- Running — More endurance and speed
- Tennis — Better stroke, more endurance and solid hits